
CovenSpirit Seers ► Essay
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Post # 1
I want all Members and Council Members to write an Essay of 500 words or more describing.."What magic means to you." "How magic effects your everyday life." "How do you work magic into your everyday life?" The deadline for this assignment is one week from today..Due on Jan 5th, 2011. All essays must be posted on this Thread for everyone to read..!! Start Thinking!! *Smiles* I am looking for some good Essay's..

Re: Essay
Post # 2
Real magic is confused with stage magic all the time, hence we usually add a K at the end to show the difference. It can be hard for some people to define magic as well, but even though we each have our own definitions, what magic means to me is this.
Magic is the understanding that everything has a life force, that we can program that energy, and focus it so that we can make a change that will be beneficial in some way, whether it be for nature, a loved one or even on the solemn occasion for ourselves. It's because of this that magic has a strong effect in everyday life. Personally, I see magic in everything I do, from sweeping the floors to cleanse my home of dirt as well as negative energy to washing the dishes and helping my husband cook on occasion. I try to live in the moment and be aware of my own energy and how my action influence the energy around me, as well those who I live with. Magic isn't just about casting spells, it's about understanding how energy moves through everything, and how it reacts to different stimuli. I practice this type of thinking on a daily basis so that I always know when something is bothers someone, or when negative energy is present in my home, so that is can be cleansed. I also do magic with the cycles of the moon and with the cycles of the seasons, and try to find my own ways to connect with nature whenever I can. Sometimes it's as simple as sitting on the porch and meditating on the scene I see before me, where the ducks are swimming on the pond, and the sun is shining brightly, or like today, the pond was a winter wonderland of snow and ice, and the ducks were waddling across to the small melted holes in the ice. Doing magic everyday is simple, and practical when done properly, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I also try to do a morning libation, or offering to the house spirits and my spiritual guides for the guidance through the day. This not only shows respect, but it also helps me in learning something new and spawning creativity for stories, and multiple other activities I come up with. I would rather honor the guides and spirits in my home than have them angry with me. The biggest thing that I do that is magic related, and that is most magical to me is reading and learning and then applying new information, whether it be about tarot, chakra’s, or even crystal healing, I always try to learn something new.
In conclusion, I would have to say living magic is a lot easier than just practicing it. With proper practical applications, it allows one to not only understand themselves, but to understand the world around them. To be a witch is to understand the cycles of life, the seasons, and to always be observant and vigilant of ones surroundings. This is what magic is to me.

Re: Essay
Post # 3
This is an awesome Essay Vixey and I enjoyed it..You are right.. True Magick isn't all about casting spells and learning to do different rituals it is also about the love of what we have in us and the energy we share with not only us but those close to us. Thanks for the wonderful Essay..

Re: Essay
Post # 4
Magic is very difficult to explain. No one truly knows what it is. All we can do is interpret what we see and feel. I believe that magic is a powerful force locked deep inside of us all, some have stronger magical force than other but that almost never comes naturally. You must train and leaner well before doing anything. I personally meditate about 20 minutes a day, depending on the day. I am a person who usually does not believe in something until it is shown to me, so my belief in magic is very surprising.
Magic does not affect my life much. I barely even dabble with spells. The biggest things for me lately are that I found a dead mouse in my drive way, I took him and placed him in a small painted box. I went to my very favorite spot to meditate and buried him there. His name is Lapis and he is sticking around with me for awhile.
I also have a spirit guide. She is a gray wolf. Lilly is not my name, it is her’s. She was once alive and recently she has shown me her life story, well, the last half of it anyway. She told me everything after she found a mate. She has been of great help to me. Not only does she teach me about magic, she also teaches me about myself. To me, she is not a guide, she is a friend.
I try to talk to Lilly as much as I can. She can only tell me what I already know so when she says something about me to make me feel better when I am sad, I know it’s true.
I cannot do much. I meditate and learn and that is about it. Personally, that is enough for me. I can have some problems with self control, but none here. One day I might practice more seriously, but I have my whole life to do that. For now I want to take it easy and pray that nothing ever goes wrong in my life.
I don’t have special dreams. Nothing that predicts the future or anything like that. Just regular dreams of flying and having super powers. Also, one time I tried to tell my friends that I practiced a little, but of course they laughed at me and walked away. I am never doing that again.
What else can I say? I can only feel spirits, and I guess I can imagine them and what they look like but that is it. I love all things in this world I believe that no one is born evil or good. All thing are created as a blank slate, the world puts them to the test and they can either grow clod and turn their backs one it or make a lifetime of trying to make the world a better place. That is all I have to say, and I hope you enjoyed reading. Blessings to all of you.

Re: Essay
Post # 5
okay all i know is magick is in everything and you can use it if you know or learn how to tap into that object or your higher self. i believe in magick a lot because my family has been involved since we where little kids but i just started to learn ow to practice it 2 years ago. well wen i was a kid my mother always said the wiccan rede to me and said i would one day learn what it really meant and as i got older it made more sence to me. i use it everytime i do magick and things that are not all that magickal. well when i was a baby there is a spirit that loved to play with my toys and she loved the old mcdonalds sonng the most. as i got older like 5 or 6 i listened to that song constantly. this spirit has a name and its thelma she has saved me and my mother from death a few times while we where on the road. well one day when i was 10 i was in a really bad car accident and i herd a voice that said you will live as long as you trust me. i thought it was my mother but then i said i trust you and she went into my body and saved me some how. i owe her my life. every since then i have practice magick like crazy and i would love to see her in person and communicate with her again to show her my graditude. i will always love thelma and she is here with me right now as i type this. magick is everything and its around us. we dont see it most of the time but we do see it. people who dispise us are just jealous because we are different then them and we know how to do things beyound the human race as they think. but to me magick is everything i have and everything the world holds for us. magick is in every object and its even in u or as my mother says: magick is part of who we are and one day everyone will realize that.

Re: Essay
Post # 6
Very Nice Lilly and Seth..You done really good with this essay.. I am especially proud of Seth who just joined us tonight and he did the Essay his first day as our Newest Family member..Great Work!!!

Re: Essay
By: / Novice
Post # 7
the word magic has always been always loosely thrown around theses days do to the fictional movies the media puts out causing the people that do practice magick to be labled as satenists and be casted out into the dark.
well what magick means to me is that it is and art and science of focusing your will and emotion to effect change both in the world around you and the world within you. Magick is neither good nor evil,positive or negitive,it is the use of the power that determines the path it will take.magick is also a tool to conect with the unseen forces, but it is not a "need to do" thing.
Magick has effected my life more then i thought it would since i started. I used to just accept what was told to me without questioning the trueness of it, but even then i felt that i belonged somewere else ans i was just fallowiing everyone else, trying to make them happy,and also trying to force myslef into believing it as well.
Now i can look at things at different perspectives and question things without fear of being put down. I finally feel like, well like the feeling you get when you know you're finily home and i couldnt have gotten here if it wasn't for my mom, friends, and my family on SoM.
When it comes to working magick into my life i wish i could do so much more but i am limited with time and privecy. I do meditation in my spare time and when ever i have the privecy, i do simple candle spells. When im on the go i always like to think of all the stuff i could do, I even have a mini book of shadows that i keep on me so i can write them down.
I just recently came back from a trip and i did something on the flight back that shocked me.
We had alot of turbulance and it really scared me. i could tell that other people didnt like it as well so i closed my eyes and thought of a cone of white energy comming down over me and covering my whole body like a second skin. Then i thought of it expanding untill it covered the whole plane. At that moment my head felt really warm and tingly and the plane stoped jerking and i could just feel everyones relaxed emotions. I felt so much energy within me. I was so happy and proud with myself and it proveved to me that i could do alot more stuff with my mind then i thought. Its random moments like this when i can really incopret magick into my life.
Even if i change my mind with being a wiccan, I know right here,right now in my life that this is my choosen path and that i am willing and eager to walk it. I am so glad that i have found what magick truly is and im proud to call myself a student of the craft.

thanks for reading :)

Re: Essay
Post # 8
What magick means to me.. it means everything to me. I live it, I breath it, Im made of it. Its all around us, the earth that we live on, the air we breath, the food we eat ect. Most people when they hear the word magic they see a magician doing some illusion... but when i hear it i see a coven (or a solo witch if ur solo :D) in a beautiful room all dressed in beautiful handmade robes (sometimes skyclad) surrounded by candles chanting a song or having a high priestess/ high priest standing in the middle holding a book reading it. ( lolz :D) Magick effects my life in many ways.. it makes me think about things more deeply and analyze things more often... i get a different point of view of things... uhh it also makes me choose and think about my actions and what i say. I try to work magick into my everyday life by doing little things such as saying a little prayer to the gods to help me overcome a fear such as being in front of lots of people ( lolz i dont like to do public speeches or anything like that im a very shy person) and before i take any test or quiz even if i kno the material ( lolz i dont study at all XD) lolz im srry that this essay ish so short.. last minute and im running out of ideas.

lolz plz accept it - puppy eyes-

Re: Essay
By: / Novice
Post # 9
According to the Wikipedia, “Magic is the claimed art of altering things either by supernatural means or through knowledge of occult natural laws unknown to science … and magic is often viewed with suspicion by the wider community, and is commonly practiced in isolation and secrecy”…
I don’t have 500 words to described what magic is. But for me, magic is a wish that comes from the heart. It is something that is untold and only mention under your breath. Whether it’s love or hate for somebody known to you. Magic is not only by whispering words but also magic is done by way of lighting candles, giving stones or merely cooking up something and adding herbs and few kind words. Whether we know it or not, magic affects our daily life. They come in different forms as mentioned above. Even people that does not believe in magic do perform such act. When our loved ones are sick, we ask for a miracle. I used lighting different color of candles this Christmas and behold received what I wish for, peace, harmony, spiritually, protection and repel negative energies. I am not into spell casting much. I am still in the beginning stage and I take magic very seriously. But from what I’ve learned from this coven, it made me understand the unexplainable. It brings me peace of mind that everything that has happened in my life have a purpose and no longer afraid of the unknown. And most importantly, knowing that you are not going out of your mind and no longer afraid to voice your opinion on such a delicate subject.

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