My visons

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My visons
Post # 1
My visons lately have increased i see many things i see stone of great meaning dragons of white and black i see ruins theses rui9ns apprently are of great importance they have a artifacts that have great power all theses are linked i see a cletic cross and it is a key to the ruins but i think i am the only one who knows where the cross is. i see so many thinks happening i see many deaths in the battle that i see. Many things are to come i see that one of us shall betray us and ride a black dragon of evil. As to who it is i don't know. I warn all you to be very careful in the near future. Your last mistake could be your last
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Re: My visons
Post # 2
maybe the ruins are also a key to something ive been thinking and it seems that it maybe like an old locket in a box that is locked.the key to the box is the cross now you just need to find what is needed for the key to open perhaps something is going to happen there and you need to stop or move it along.but that is just my guess
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Re: My visons
Post # 3
she does have a point this happened to me in my dream and it took me bout 3 weeks to find the key but this one once i unlocked it i could see what is going to happen in the future now any time i want to look at the future events i will unlock it again.
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