To be Concerned?

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To be Concerned?
Post # 1
The other night, i was in my kitchen and the light went out, then it came back on, then back off, then back on then it was fine but i got a headache and it got colder so i went back to what i was doing.
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Re: To be Concerned?
Post # 2
what were you doing?????
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Re: To be Concerned?
Post # 3
It might be a ghost or something.
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Re: To be Concerned?
Post # 4
yea it could be a ghost...either fooling around or trying to tell you something when spirits are around it gets colder but i never heard of getting a headache.
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Re: To be Concerned?
Post # 5
When you try blocking out a spirit when it is trying to speak to you you get a headache. It has happened to me many times. Blocking it out could be unintentual, but your case is not uncommon at all. Try relaxing and try speaking to it. It is probably still in your home.
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Re: To be Concerned?
Post # 6
#_# that is not so annoying...^_^ probably was an elf...those are pranksters..
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Re: To be Concerned?
Post # 7
Yea, i wasn't trying to and I did talk but nothing happend. I said, If someone is there then talk to me.
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Re: To be Concerned?
Post # 8
If it was a human spirit and wants to talk to will try once again to communicate with prepare..
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Re: To be Concerned?
Post # 9
Your neighbors hate you. Get the point?
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