how stop pain

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how stop pain
Post # 1
I am new at this. But I've benn trying to deal with a lot of pain that is happening to others in my family. I also wont to become a wicca and other. But I'm scared that every thing I try to do will come back to me harder. I wont to be at something.
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Re: how stop pain
Post # 2
Welcome to the site, hope you find what you're looking for here.

Treating pain won't be effective if it doesn't deal with the source of pain, though, I find some breathing exercises really help cope. (Breathing from the lower lungs instead of upper chest, and slooowly.)

I don't find that magic has any special karmic consequence that's any different from mundane actions... except maybe that if it's sloppy then it leaves a tangle in a level of reality that not everyone is familiar enough to undo, but usually before you do anything in magic that comes even close to dangerous, you would have to have practiced and researched so much to be completely aware of what you are doing. Hope this helps!
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Re: how stop pain
Post # 3
My mother has a very good healing spell on her website. You can also email her, about what you need. She maybe able to give you some advice too. The address is try it ok.
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Re: how stop pain
Post # 4
Only when you do harm on others will it come back onto you
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