Animal totem ?

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Animal totem ?
Post # 1
How many animal totems can you have because totem reminds me of totem pole which has lots of animal on it so how many can we have?
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Re: Animal totem ?
Post # 2
I have read that every person has nine totem animals. Aparently when you come to earth there are seven directions surrounding your physical body, East, South, West, North, Above, Below and Within. You have a totem animal in each of these directions to teach you the lesson for that direction, and you have two others that walk on either side of you always, and these two are usually the ones that appear to you in dreams.
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Re: Animal totem ?
Post # 3
It is possible to have several animal totems at different points in your life, as there are several types of totems. Totem animals will come into your life when you need them, and then be replaced when their assistance is no longer required. The direction your life takes will determine which totem animals you attract. These ‘animal guides’ will instruct and protect you, and will guide you back to your natural state of being. That is, they will help you to find the person you were meant to be. However, before they can do this, you must know who your totem animal is.
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