
Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► Dream
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Post # 1
Does anyone know spell to send someone dream? If yes can u tell me how. Thnx anyway!
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Re: Dream
Post # 2
I know a spell, but I haven't tried it. I found it on someone's MySpace.


You need: -- A dish of earth a cup or cauldron of water a candle

(check color correspondences for whatever kind of dream you will be sending)

and some incense (any kind, this is just to symbolize air).

If you have an altar it should go in the middle of wherever you are placing these objects.

Put the earth to the North the incense to the East the fire to the South and the water to the West.

Then sit in the middle by your altar or just in the middle.

Visualize the dream you wish to give and after you're done visualizing say this:

"Lord and Lady I ask of thee

Give me the ability to send forth this dream

Across the Earth or water's bound

Whether he/she be in the sky or on the ground

By the powers of fire to let it shine bright

By the powers of earth and air to send it tonight

By the powers of water to sweep within dream's door

And by the powers of 3 shall _____ remember it evermore

Sleep in the knowledge the dream will be projected to the person you have visualized.

Be sure to go through every detail of what you wish to send.

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Re: Dream
Post # 3
WOW, that is a good one.
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Re: Dream
Post # 4
Wau thnx very much!!!
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