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Post # 1
I can , objectivly say, our coven is most fair and , our members are virtous. Yust check public spells , 80% of them are ours. Our members also have hi-leveled magickal knowledge that are ready to share, unlike other covens who keap their spells in most secrecy as If they were ancent arcana charms!Sure everywere can be foun few mwmbers or so that dont know much about magick , but isnt that why this site exist in firstplace?
Everyone is wery welcome to join spellcasters! You may reffer to me for nay questions you have , I' ll try to answer as much as possible . Blessed be!
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Re: Spellcasters
Post # 2
The reason people keep their spells secret is to keep them from stealing and claiming them. My coven will have a closed spell book. The practices of my coven are strictly for shamansim and without certain lessons and understandings, you will not be able to even attempt them and the effect be desirable. Most see their practice as something not to be taken and used by someone who just want to do a spell and ignore the other parts of the craft, people see this as insulting. For example, if a child was interested in Harry Potter and wanted to do a spell for fun, with no real purpose, they may injure themself or someone else. In this case, think of it as a child/person safety lock.
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Re: Spellcasters
Post # 3
I agree about the part that says that person without enough knowledge can hurt itself with spells or get dissapoinetd , at very least. But wether if it's Shamanistic spell, or wiccan , or middleage, Hoodoo, Christianic - orientated, it can be properly and succsesfully casted , as long as person is respectfull and know the particular forces He's dealing with.
Blessed be!
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Re: Spellcasters
Post # 4
Yes, often esoteric texts say: " Truth is not for those who are unworthy, or those are not able to recieve, or who would pervert it."

But, anyone is welcome to the Spellcasters!

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Re: Spellcasters
Post # 5
Yeah clan pride!
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