What do you know about

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What do you know about
Post # 1
What do you know about born healers?? any kind of born healers just tell me EVERYTHING you know ^_^
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Re: What do you know abou
Post # 2
I've read that those with medium-green auras with flares of blue like mine are natural healers. People did tend to just feel better around me -- but I started feeling really bad around them in consequence, so healing wasn't a path I pursued very far.

My spirit guides are trying to get me back into it, saying it will be impossible to get drained or do something wrong with the connections open, but ehh... not so sure. If I were truly a healer, I'd want to be-- I'd choose it, not have it choose me. You know? "Born to be (blank)", "the chosen (blank)" or "Natural (blank)" are dirty phrases to me, detrimental to free will.

...er... hope that helped!
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Re: What do you know about
Post # 3
There are two different types of healing. One is where you take the negative energy of the illness into your own body and one where you deposit it into the universe. When you heal, you will most likely be affected by the patient's energy. You have to get rid of this energy and restore yourself to a positive state. One way has been said here before. While taking a shower, imagine all the bad energy as black running out of your third eye and the rest of your body. This will make you feel great again. Water is a very good way to rebalance energy.
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Re: What do you know about
Post # 4
I don't really know. It seems a very hard question to answer. like one person said before, you just have that healing, peaceful aura about them.
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Re: What do you know abou
Post # 5
Why do you ask this? What exactly are you looking for? I do not fully understand the question.....
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