how do you make a wand

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how do you make a wand
Post # 1
does anyone no how to make a wand easiliy because im only 12 and i cant really make one out of that even though i wan to but is there anything else i could make it out of
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Re: how do you make a wand
Post # 2
go to SilverVixen's profile, click history, and you'll find a good post or 2 on this topic.
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Re: how do you make a wan
Post # 3
Hi my name is andrea and I was lookin on here for a magic wand spell too and I found one its in the strength spells its called the "make a wand " spell and I have found it helpful but I just can't find a place to get a gem stone to finish it if you find one plz tell me where u found it !!! Lolzzz
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