HM is Accepting

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HM is Accepting
Post # 1
Higher Magicks is looking for serious members that want to challenge themselves and grow spiritually. We have assignments (not all are mandatory) that ensure learning, and members that lecture in the forums and in chat.

Although the coven is dedicated to challenge and growth, we also put importance into feeling comfortable with others in the coven and being a family that is there to help others grow. We ask what the members are interested in learning so the coven suits everyone's individual needs and goals.

However, these needs are limited to some extent, as the coven would like to stay relatively true to its name, and will put less importance on things that are very different from that category, like love spells or money spells. Pagans, Satanists, and the like will still have their interests fully met in this coven, as long as their goal within their path is related to forming a union with the higher self, with the All, Universe, Deities, or some entity, etc rather than money or love spells.
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Re: HM is Accepting
Post # 2
Higher Magicks has had a long line of very capable leaders, and Raven and Awake have been doing wonderfully.

Higher Magicks remains a wonderful coven, and a great place of learning in their care.
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