Burning Left Hand?

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Burning Left Hand?
Post # 1
Just curious, have been meditation, focusing on energy, etc.

Lately my left palm (in the center on the inside) gets this burning sensation around random people. Haven't noticed any correlations, not feeling anything other than this pulsing heat as I get closer to them.

I am right handed, if that helps.

Thoughts? I'm not sure what other info to give so feel free to ask.

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Re: Burning Left Hand?
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Nothing is always magic related. Consult a doctor before trying to fix it with magic. But from what I can see, your burning left hand could be a over-active hand chakra. Have you been making psi balls lately? Or it could mean that your left have is your Power Hand. Which means that it's the hand that receives more information psychicly than your right hand. For example, like touching someone can help you receive information about them.
Blessed be!
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Re: Burning Left Hand?
Post # 3
As a matter of fact I have been practicing/focusing energy onto my hands. I've always been able to see energy around myself and others, in the last couple of months the feeling has intensified so I read up on it and there were a few exercises about focusing the energy to your hands and "creating balls of energy" and/or other names it had.

I can't say I've done anything successfully, other than be able to see the twirling currents of energy make a light show on my hands/arms. It's neat. :)

Is there a way to distribute the energy elsewhere? From what I read I can release it back to the earth which I thought I had.
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Re: Burning Left Hand?
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
When you play with energy, just make sure that you ground out. So you won't be a walking powerhouse. You can also release the energy out to the universe.
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Re: Burning Left Hand?
Post # 5
Maybe its because your left hand is your receiving hand, like minds(im primarily right handed)
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Re: Burning Left Hand?
Post # 6
I found a lot of useful information on these forums (as I searched throughout most of it today) and you're both right. Although I still yet to clearly "see" this "psi-ball" I can feel the heat, pressure, and magnetic push of it. Originally (last week) when I tried this, I just went straight to bed after focusing energy and didn't disperse the energy since I didn't feel as if I had accomplished anything other than making my palms warm :)

Today I accomplished a couple of things, the original term in the reply "psi-ball" led me in the right track to the information I needed, so thank you.
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