Energy Sensing Nature

CovenNatural Magick ► Energy Sensing Nature
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Energy Sensing Nature
Post # 1
To begin with its your basic energy sensing of things around your environment. Meaning the basic steps of Energy Control and feeling Energy around you.

When you have managed to do this you extend the Energy outwards trying to feel every little thing that may be around from the blades of grass to insects above and below the ground. But at the same time you are slowly increasing the distance of which you are sensing. It's like picturing a fishing net under water it starts off thin and narrow and as it moves along it opens itself out covering more area, the same is for this practice, your energy has to cover a wide distance than what it usually does.

When you feel you have done this, (best way of knowing is if you set yourself a target in the distance like a tree or something that you know is around but you cannot see etc). When you are comfortable that you have managed to accomplish this then you move from the large energy of the tree (carrying on the example) and focus on the thousands of networks within the tree from the roots to each single leaf in which it produces. Feeling the flow of energy within its entire network becoming one with it.

I use trees as an example to begin with as they are a fixed object but have thousands of networks within them making it easier to sense a non moving object but still sense the networks.

When you feel confident in your abilities and the process of sensing the network system within things then I would suggest moving onto moving objects. As an example an ant colony or a bee hive. I have listed these two as although they are moving objects when you get into the network system they all become one working together but in different aspects. It is because of this network you can focus on a moving object whilst also sensing a fixed place with moving objects.

This exercise is to strengthen your own Energy Control but to also improve on your long distance and Energy sensing abilities. Making it possible for more development and experiments you may wish to proceed with easier and more controlled

Re: Energy Sensing Nature
By: / Novice
Post # 2
cool post lost

Re: Energy Sensing Nature
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Beautiful post, so true. Thanks very much :D

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