I heard, that there is more then one ethereal existances, such as the common one visted by astral projection, but also a realm of the dead, a spirit animal world, and elemental worlds- earth, fire, air, and water. Each one is different and I was wandering what people thought of this.
Re: Other forms of AP By: forte667 / Knowledgeable
Post # 3 May 27, 2011
yes! there is etheric projection - earth realm from my experience etheric projection has three main dimensions the is the physical dimension of death where those who recently physically died and acknowledge there death go to await to be reincarnated then there is the the dimension where you see or feel pure energy of earth's object as in how it is now and then is the realm where those who have not accepted there death and roam idly reliving there physical human life, these are what we call ghost. then there is the water (astral) realm the realm of emotions and feelings also the refections of present life and then past life then there is the mental(air) realm the realm of intellect and the future and divination, then there is the realm of fire or casual realm the realm of your Oversoul, life-force, spirit which ever you like to call it, this is the realm of creation and being. between each realm there is a Vail, not a sheet but a periods of revelation or teaching the vail between the etheric ream and the astral ream is your spiritual animal or creature to help you as you enter the astral. then the vail between the astral and the mental is the records, yes the akashic records. then the vail between the casual and mental you meet your teacher , your spirit guide.
The etheric realm is within the astral realms. The astral spans an infinite number of planes that not only encompasses different existences but also throughout time. In the astral one can visit a different plane of existence in a different period of time. Not to mention this plane of existence at a different point in time.
Re: Other forms of AP By: forte667 / Knowledgeable
Post # 5 May 27, 2011
you are right many poeple do group the planes/realms together however some do not. one reason why some don't is because each realm require a different vibrational body to navigate in each realm. also each realm has many dimensions that are countless and is difficult to explain each one in full, but i did try to explain the characteristics of each realm which is another reason some as well as I, separate each realm
So in terms, there could be a plane of chocolate and ice-cream?Because I might need a vacation to that place! But seriously, there is a plane for every combonation possible?
Re: Other forms of AP By: WhiteRav3n / Knowledgeable
Post # 7 May 27, 2011
Kts is totally right. People just classify it as the "astral realm" because every single one is connected in some way to a neutral plane. Its like a network.
Re: Other forms of AP By: WhiteRav3n / Knowledgeable
Post # 8 May 27, 2011
The realms of "other times" isn't truly time periods. Its just a place for those who have lived lives in those times to be capable of continuing life in it. Certain realms do however run off of faster or slower speeds, which means 30min here could feel like 2 hours there or vice versa (as an example)
And no, I'm sorry I don't believe that candy land exists in the astral.
There are different realms for every sort of being, and every lifestyle. Some realms just exist, others are created to exist a certain way.