Seeing and Feeling Energy

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Seeing and Feeling Energy
Post # 1
Anyone know any good exercises for feeling and seeing energies? I have read a few things, but most of things I saw had exercises for two people, but most of the time I don't have anyone nearby to help me with these, excluding my cat and dog. :P Anyone know any exercises I could try with just myself? Or if you know any that my dog or cat can help with I'll give it a shot! lol
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Re: Seeing and Feeling Energy
Post # 2
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Re: Seeing and Feeling Energy
Post # 3
Umm.. I'd think you'd want to meditate? Find a place you are comfortable.. outside under a tree, or a quiet and peaceful place in your house where no one will bother you, or wherever.

You should dosome grounding befor you try to see feel anything i think.. so that you don't get drained. I was with my friend once and we were meditating with a candle and some crystals.. all the sudden I felt my energy being sucked out of me and by the time it stopped I tried to stand and barely could. I guess maybe she summoned something, or I did by accident if that's possible.

Try to relax and clear your mind as much as you can. Make yourself aware of your surroundings and notice what you feel from them. Take deep breaths and visualize yourself drawing in energy from all sides of you as white light, which I guess would be positive energy. When you breathe out, visualize black or mucky energy leaving you, and maybe even disolving/converting to light in the air. Also visualize your aura expanding or becoming stronger as you breathe in. You might want to say an affirmation as your doing this too.. like "I am love, I am powerful, and I am protected. Nothing can harm me"

I think that would do good.. I used to feel a lot when I did that kind of thing. I felt more aware. But maybe there's someone who knows better than I do who will answer your question. I hope what I said helps anyway.
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Re: Seeing and Feeling En
Post # 4
Yes, you want to meditate to center and ground yourself (its a must)
there is an online book you can check out . The Book of Storms Series was created by Jad Alexander to promote the growth and development of Empath intelligence and culture. you can find it here also at yahoo groups
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Re: Seeing and Feeling En
Post # 5
Anything living has a life force, try using a tree, a small shrub, or bush.....a person who's walking down the road past your house....any of these you can do on your own, and you should have no problems. It'll give you all the practice you'll need pretty much. Just keep trying, you'll get it
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Re: Seeing and Feeling Energy
Post # 6
Meditation and Self Dedicating Ceremonies!!!!!!!!!!!
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