faith question...

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faith question...
Post # 1
ive been brought up in a christian home and all but two of my relatives are christian. im starting to be really interested in the wicca religion, but i dont know how to "denounce" myself of my christian religion. i do believe in God and Jesus and the Bible, but not the Church...i consider myself to be non denominationan, even though my parents force me to go to a methodist church every freakin sunday (my fault for not having a drivers liscense and car)...i would like to know how i can denounce myself to become a wiccan, plz!
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Re: faith question...
Post # 2
Why you want to be a wicca?
In any case... you should not be so rush to say "denounce" I think is better to not have a religion at all...and follow your own beliefs and path.
I am christian as well, brought on a catholic religion. But I think of myself more of a free thinker.... ^_^ and have always read of many religions just to see other points of view.
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