Spirt or my imagination?

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Spirt or my imagination?
Post # 1
Hi I have a problem. I have belived in Magick for about 2 or more years now, and for more then long enough I have felt a spirt around me on and off.Mostly in my house but sometimes outside this spirt doesn't make me feel threatened or welcomed in any way.I think I have the gift of feeling spirts around me, and this is because I feel different ones.The main one is almost always around me, esspesally when I'm alone.I can't seem to contact it but I can't get it to go away either.It lingers and manifests itself any way it can.From making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up,having the awful feeling of being watched when no one is arounf ( the most common one ), conld spots, unexpected and unexplainable breezes, chills that, embarrissingly anough, make me have to use the restroom horrible but not being ale to "go"(sometimes being able to because I truly had to go , but it made me have to go very bad0, voices, bumps and crashes, an errie empty loud sounds, and feeling completly alone when I have more then one other person around me.I need help to either contact, get rid of, of find out what this spirt is.If you have info message me, because I will be more likley to answer you, or leave a comment.Please, if you read this and have an explaination or way to help me act quick seeing as I think this "spirt" might be demonic.


PS: If you have a reson and you read this and you don't have an account or just don't feel like replying, think, this thing could hurt me.I'm only 12 and haven't had much experience.

PSS: I am one of Gods children and he hasn't "answered me yet".Also I have dealed with demons both feeling it hearing them seeing them and meetiung them in human form so this you think I would be able to take care of but can't.NOW HELP ME PLEASE!!
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Re: Spirt or my imagination?
Post # 2
hello,i hope u r ok.but i think you need to speak to someboby abit older then yourself(adult)i dnt think this thing will harm you,but you could have a special gift where you can feel things like a spiritulist/medium.thiis not a bad thing,you are just frightend becos,its the unknown to you,this could be a gift,iv heard this a million times+these pepl tend to be psychic.if at any time you feel frightnd say the lords pray,i am happy to talk tho,dnt feel alone.annaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Re: Spirt or my imagination?
Post # 3
It probably is just a lonely soul who has suffered greatly in life and needs your help. It was probably very alone in it's life which is why it gives you that feeling so often. Just speak to it and find out what it wants.

Today I was at a lake with four of my male friends, all of them drinking, and I closed my eyes because I felt much negative energy around me. When I closed my eyes I saw the little girl known to have died at that lake, I saw her death. She told me to leave, right away, something bad was there. All of my friends I was with are unexperienced and do not practice at all so I told them we had to leave, that cops where coming, because we all are under the drinking age, three nineteen year olds and two sixteen year olds, one of which is me, that is when we drove away, and she thanked me as we went.

So sometimes just speaking to them and hearing what they have to say is the only way they can move on.
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Re: Spirt or my imagination?
Post # 4
dont worry, if it's anything bad then dont be afraid, try to make friends with it, and if you do, then be nice to it
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Re: Spirt or my imaginati
Post # 5
First I'd like to say that at 12, I tended to have no interaction myself, with spirits around me. I am now 62, and believe that I had made a choice to not see or feel them, because I had another path I wanted to explore in my life, which I wanted to do without the knowledge of the spirits. I tell you this because I want to make sure that you understand that feeling the presence of spirits is something that anyone "can" do, if they choose it. Since you have chosen to feel it and recognize it, it is my belief that it is because your own spirit chooses to. I speak here of your own highest power, which is not "separate" from you, but may desire something "for" that you don't yet recognize but will be very glad to experience in your life.

So the first thing is to understand that if you are being contacted by spirits, you do not need to be fearful. Yes, there are spirits that aren't nice, but you don't need to let them in your life. It doesn't sound to me as though this one is negative, exactly, but perhaps it is frustrated. And one way or another, it is my belief that you need to take charge, instead of letting this continue.

I favor your finding an adult who you may be able to discuss this with, and think you first should consider your parents. This doesn't mean that you should tell them what is happening, if you have withheld it from them, but that you should start asking questions of them about how they feel about such things. Don't just ask a few questions and let yourself think that you therefore know they aren't receptive. Make sure that you not only ask what they think, but WHY they think it. If you feel only negativity or doubt from what they say, then you need to seek other counsel.

Personally, I would like to see you actually find someone who you feel comfortable with, who could guide you in this. But if you don't choose that route, then I suggest that you start researching spiritual presences, either online or through books. Find a direction that you feel "good" about, and see where it takes you. And don't forget that going one direction does not mean that you need to follow it to its bitter (or less comforting) end. If the direction stops feeling "right", then seek a new direction.

The thing about paths is ... they branch off sometimes. That's awesome, really. Let yourself look for the branches that keep feeling good to you.

Beyond that, I have suggestions that you can try in the meantime. First, try directing the spirit in better directions. Find a quiet time to "think" toward it, and tell it that if it is trying to manifest itself, you will let it help you to do that, but that you'll only help if it will be "positive". Make some suggestions about what ways you'll give it time to manifest in your life. Ask if it wants to help you clean up your bedroom, or clean out the medicine cabinet, or do homework. And let yourself "feel" the spirit's response. If there is not a positive response, then ignore the next suggestion and instead start looking for new information on spirits.

If there IS a positive response, make sure that you notice how much the spirit actually helps you, and let yourself both laugh and appreciate it. I once accidentally let a spirit help me with housework, and although I insisted it was just "to clean my stove and counters", it kept making me SEE something that it really wanted to clean off. I finally laughed and agreed to do it, but "just THAT". Two hours later, I said, "Okay, now if I agree to clean out that cabinet AND the floor, you make sure that I sleep well and am rested enough tomorrow to do well at work." It did, and I actually invited her to help me a few other times (but only if I had enough TIME to let her clean everything she really, really wanted to clean).

So ... my experience with spirits has been positive. But it is partially because I choose to let them in, and ONLY when I choose. And I let them experience whatever it is that they wanted, but only if it felt good to ME. At the same time, my memory of cleaning house was that it was like a fun dream in which I kept arising to take charge of what next step was being taken. If you can't enjoy this spirit, then you need to find the way to banish it (at least temporarily).

All of that is ... just my opinion. And I know there are many other ways to approach this. That you feel a spiritual presence, I do absolutely believe. That you are holding it back, also means to me that you are holding back your own possible spiritual growth. You're taking the right steps, by seeking advice. Now just make sure that the advice you TAKE, feels right to you.

Blessings, dear. Chelah
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Re: Spirt or my imagination?
Post # 6
Why not just speek to it, just ask ti what ti wants.
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Re: Spirt or my imagination?
Post # 7
Hey, there is no need to be afraid, spirits live amoung us, depending on how strong thier energy was before they died they could still be felt and seen and some are even powerful enough to move objects, but dont worry its just energy... if it really scares you though, just light inscense spirits are not fond of it.
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Re: Spirt or my imagination?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 8
If it seems to be around you a lot then it might be your spirit guide who is here to protect you it can't go away but you can tell it to make it self less known.
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