A very simple charm...

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A very simple charm...
Post # 1
Now heres an idea just take a pieace of small papre and wirit something special in it and then close it and put it in your pocket for is special effect.

four examples are:

Malkizhdek is the smiter which shall smite all dark around me so as allways im the winner.

Michael the guardion allways guard me when in ready never failing so foreverly.

ais as aos si yanos vsi ynosa (this shall banish any evil being(hope i worte it right from hebrew tough...)).

gabriel is the healer always heal me when needed never failing allways keeper of my health so be it on is keeping.

any one wants to add some of is own? feel free to post...
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Re: A very simple charm..
Post # 2
nothing is coming to my mind now But i love this Charm its simple Thanx Nat.
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