Hi im new to magick and i need a teacher for the different stuff i want to learn. I need a teacher for Healing, Astral Projection, Shapeshifting, Element Bending, Flying, Speed, Teleportation, Getting in touch with my inner animal and opening up my chakras, and invisibility. Please help me i wish to learn.
I'll go ahead and let you know that most of what you wish to learn is even in the realm of magick impossible. The things that you cannot do on this plane are shapeshifting, element bending, flying, "speed", teleportation. Some people believe that you can control elements and some or most don't, though even those who believe it is possible can't do avatar type element bending. I didn't list invisibility as impossible as it's technical is possible and soms say they have achieved it, but instead of really being invisible to everyone you effect a person(s) mind causing them to overlook you or not notice you, which has the same effect as invisibility. Most will say the closest thing to teleportation is astral projection, something which you wish to learn.
Im new to here also,and have some experience with Demon information and possible entity experience.I wish to learn more so someone please email me or something to let me know if you could help,thank you.
I'm pretty new myself and ironic the most I know is what's impossible. I know astral project is difficult and takes experience in meditation. Meditation is something you should learn anyway, so the only advice I can give is to start practicing meditation and the other basics (meditation, visualization, centering, grounding, chakras).
Scroll up. See the Google custom search? Put those key words in there one at a time and hit "search". As was said, half of what you wish to learn can only be achieved astrally. But when you research them using the SoM search, you'll see the conversations of all past members who have had the same inquiries, and what was told to them. There are also topics made specifically written as articles to help answer such questions.
Hope this helps. There is a lot of info here. Read it all first, and then what you can't find answers to, post a question about in the proper section. Good luck!
It is only my opinion, but I think it is very difficult to learn magic merely by reading about it. It really needs a personal teacher. When I was young witches were extremely secretive. But these days there are thousands!
Find a personal teacher. Have a look at WitchesVoice.com.
Join The Pagan Federation. (the address for your area will be on Google.)
By all means read a lot; but meet real people also.
Hello Watercrystal, Im not sure where your from, but if you can find a psychic fair near you it would be better finding a teacher in the real world than on the internet as they can show you face to face.