Possesion problem I think

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Possesion problem I think
Post # 1
About a year ago I started having really realistic dreams which always turned into nightmares. I thought that many of these dreams were actually happening they were so realistic. Around about that time I started to feel fatigued ALL the time and would do things that I wouldn't remember doing until someone would mention it to me. I went to the doctor about these problems but they found nothing wrong with me. I recently took an interest in magick and started reading up on astral projection. I discovered that these dreams that I am having could be astral projections and that it is possible to be possesed while in this state. Any suggestions??
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Re: Possesion problem I t
Post # 2
Well, I have the same problem and the only answer they could come out with was...Multiple personality disorder (they change the name, I forgot the new name ) ^_^ so I call it my other me.
In any case, the other explanation as well, is that I suffer from depression causing me insomnia... YAY Sleep disorder as well...wooo hoo..
Well, yes you are probably astral traveling, but no you cannot get possess while doing it unless you are already sharing the body with another spirit (just a possibility) but you got one advantage that I do not have... people can be telling me about stuff that they say I did and I have never being able to remember...so you got that one different you at least can remember... ^_^ I don't. They say my other me is quite "evil" hahaha, but not in the sense that do bad stuff....*_* in any case do not worry, you are going to do just fine... ^_^ I am still here, and I am doing ok.
(You have not harm no one, is all good.)
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Re: Possesion problem I think
Post # 3
Yes but in this dream (or nightmare however you want to put it) I was actually attacked by a spirit or demon like creature. (I cant be more specific because I don't actually know what "it" was)
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Re: Possesion problem I t
Post # 4
^_^ Like I said, it has happen to me and keeps on happening...in any case, you cannot deal with it till you figure what it is.
Most of the times my dreams are so real, so I got trouble making sense of my life in general. ^_^ but I doubt is some one that wants to posses you unless you suffer from some things like...
Hearing voices to do things you will normally will not do
Objects since to be moving on their own.
You feel anger for no reason.
You lose control of your movements.
You lose your memory partially, as losing time from hours to days...

(Note: I suffer from all that and it is serious)

If you have hurt some one against your will.
You get uneasy feeling when setting foot on holy ground such as a graveyard or church.
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Re: Possesion problem I think
Post # 5
I havn't set foot in a graveyard or church for the past few years so I can't answer that question but I do have very minor memory loss. I seem to get angry for no reason what so ever at least a couple of times daily and as for the objects moving a couple of nightes ago a bit of paper moved in my living room but I was actually reading something about telekinesis and tried to move it and it did so don't know whether that was me or not. But when i'm in a very dark room sometimes the shadows move and form shapes it's hard to explain but REALLY scary trust me on this one because NOTHING normally scares me.
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Re: Possesion problem I t
Post # 6
then prepare yourself..and embrace it because you are about to have fun with some entities...^_^ now always do some protection spells before going to sleep and after waking up, summon or call upon your guardian angel.... and remember do not fear.. (hard to do) this is sort of like a wakening in my opinion.
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Re: Possesion problem I think
Post # 7
How do I summon my guardian angel?I have been studying magick for roughly 2 months now and have tried a variety of spells and none have ever worked for me so is there an easy way to summon your guardian angel?
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Re: Possesion problem I t
Post # 8
No, but meditation is a sure way to do so. ^_^ call me crazy but talking to it as if you know is there it helps to strength the bond between you and it. Also, any method of protection helps, from prayers, to spells, from spells to rituals... You can make your own if you see that most spells you have found do not work...(prayers and spells are similar in my opinion)
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Re: Possesion problem I think
Post # 9
Sorry about all these questions but how do you make your own spell?
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Re: Possesion problem I t
Post # 10
As I say prayers and spells are similar...

Sorry, to lazy to type it on my own words, so there...bunch of sites... ^_^ in any case, they all say the same things....
You need to learn more of magick, so you can follow the correspondence table and stuff...but what you need mostly is FAITH and HOPE
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