
CovenSpell Casters ► magick
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Post # 1
can someone teach me how to cast a spell i tried but it never worked so plz send me a how to video
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Re: magick
Post # 2
I cant send a video but i can tell you the most common problems. The first one is if you are dabbling it will not work and the second main reason is you have to believe it will work. A side thing is the spell has to be for something realistic not the turn in to a fairy princess kind of spells that is a fictional spell so if the goal is unrealistic you can pray to all the gods and i wont happen.
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Re: magick
Post # 3
Before working with magic or spell casting there are some key things you need to know:





*Belief in yourself and your abilities

*Circle Casting and Releasing

*Correspondences (colors, days, lunar phases, etc)

NOTE: Please keep in mind that depending on who you talk to the basics can and often do differ. The above list are the basics that I studied when I first started practicing and are what I teach my students. You can add to this list or take subjects from it depending on your interest or what you feel you need or don't need to learn. However, I suggest studying all of them because you may very well need to know them in the future.

You can find info on the basics here on the site. The basics can be found in Newbie Central on the Home tab. You can also find useful information in the Tips and FAQs sections which are also located on the Home tab.

If you have any questions let me know.
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