Find You Spirit Animal

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Find You Spirit Animal
Post # 1
Ever wonderd what your spirit animal was? Heres a few good ways to help (Warning may not work for all but it should).
-Past think back in your past for what animal has comforted you OR been coming up a lot randomly.
-Your dreams
-Pray to find it if you have a religon.
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Re: Find You Spirit Anima
Post # 2
its usualy ur favorite animal:) mine r horsies, lol. but if they existed, it would be zebra pegasus, the untable zebra, with the untamable pegasus. Also, u tend to have subtle characteristics of that animal, like my best buddies a dog man. His friends are so true to him, and he to them. Also, if ur into dragons and such, i dont see why that culdnt be ur spirit guide in a sence,..i know many people with dragony personalities. mabye taradactals were "dragons, and we just cant tell cuz there cartalige didnt posilize! lol, anyways dont let the fact that its fictional get in ur way! it is ur "spirit" animal, not ur real life pet or something, And ur words are very correct! meditation can help ANYTHING, includeing this, and everyone seems to dream of there favorite animal, and the dreams containing them are usualy very meaningful! Thnx for the great thread! Best of luck to ya in ur search for ur animal guide!
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Re: Find You Spirit Animal
Post # 3
Remember thought, they only come when you're ready for them. Also, I've heard its best to not guess different animals, as it wont help. I'm sure you will find it soon though.

Blessed be!~liliath
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Re: Find You Spirit Animal
Post # 4
I wrote this article and found the anwser. So no more replies anymore please.
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