Personal deities

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Personal deities
Post # 1
Ok, I have been to a lot of Pagan sites. A lot of them say when you declare your a Pagan your deity gives you signs to show who they are. Well randomly in a room I smelled honeysuckle but I was the only one there was somebody next to me with no cold or anything but they couldn't smell a thing. So what Gods, and Goddesses are assoicated with honeysuckle?
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Re: Personal deities
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Brigit, Athena, Apollo, Persephone, Janus, Neith, Seshat, Osiris, Imhotep, Tara, Danu, Badb, Ogma, Hecate, Artemis, Metis, Zeus, Minerva, Thoth, Sin, Anubis, Ma'at, Isis, Quetzalcoatl, Lilith, Lugh, Hermes, Mercury, Khensu, Hades, Pan, Juno, Diana, Faunus, Vesta, Osiris, Ptah, Isis, Neith, Seshat, Hathor, Khepera, Ra, Bast and Bes. that's not all of them, just the ones i know, sorry they're mostly Egyptian, i study Egyptology and practiced Egyptian based magic for a few years. you could always try meditating, perhaps have some honeysuckles near you to try and help your god and goddess to come reveal themselves to you.
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Re: Personal deities
Post # 3
Neko, that does help thanks :)
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