wearwolfs in mitholigy are just stupid.i mean i know its based off of real wearwolves but i beleve the are not evil but watchers of the earth.the i beleve only the ones cosen by god can realy change toatlty without control.im not a wearwolf or any thing but love the culture of magick and creatures and to study them
First of all, the word you are looking for is "werewolves."
Second of all, werewolves are -not- real.
The werewolves of mythology, form which all belief in werewolves is derived (including your happy scenario where they are watches of nature, such as in silly teen fiction), is rooted in people contracting rabies, and similar such scenarios in older cultures where people could not explain such madness.
Tsk Tsk Awake, you know better than to waste your energy tring to get through to some people. People will always continue to believe in non sense, even with 100% proof contradicting their beliefs shoved in front of them, that's why it's called beliefs.
So good luck with your studies on magical creatures there Shadow, happy hunting XD
Actually I am quite open minded. I personally don't believe in vampires, werewolves, and the slike, but that doesn't mean I don't tell people that they don't. If someone askes me directly if they existed I would so I honestly don't know, but I don't beleieve so.I do have to draw the line and be reasoable and take into consideration the vast amounts of people refuting such claims, but at the same time I have to decide for myself and I have. People need to stop juding each other so frequently and to a degree that it doesn't help people learn, but to the point that it puts limitations on peoples ability to think for themselves, to read, research, think for themselves, and learn. To not take everything at face valure nor just accept the first thing one or two people say, or that which you read.
Despite that my comment was primarily a sarcastic joke for Awake.
We can only open the door we can't force them in. We only add stress to ourselves by arguing with these people. Enough with the judgement. If they bug no one or harasses anyone with their beliefs stop harassing them. I'm not just talking about forum but chatter as well. It is sicking to see how people treat each other even in a so called educational people website.
It is not my intention to harass anyone. Only to educate. And I will continue to attempt to do so, and debate about it, whenever I possess the patience.
Please forgive the way my bluntness can come across, however.
If it's an educational website black, then simply said these people are being educated. And argument is a very fruitful way to learn, not just for those doing the debating but for people who just read the debates as well. Both sides are being seen and people can choose what side they take. Also people are usually only rude when the fluffs come along, claiming to be things they aren't.
And it's not a question of being openminded or closeminded these people who believe in these creatures believe in the myths created by hollywood and they simply just don't exist.