Animal Totems

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Animal Totems
Post # 1
Merry Meet! :) So, I am in pure confusion with Animal Totems and animal spirits being our helpful guides in physical life. Can an experienced Shaman or someone who specializes in this subject explain the general basics of each group (Spirit Animals, Journey Animals, Message Animals, etc)? Thank you to anyone with advice! ~SullenMoon
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Re: Animal Totems
Post # 2
Spirit animals (correct me if I am wrong I am not too good with Shamanism) are I believe the Animal the both represents you best and is the animal you use in the Astral most often, Journey Animals are the animals that will help you in your journey to the Shaman Afterlife (not sure if this is right but it sounded okay), And I believe that Message Animals are the animals that you link up with best in the Physical World and help you to send dreams to others in the Astral.
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