foresight and consequence

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foresight and consequence
Post # 1
now foresight is a dangerous thing, even just one second of it, because first of all foresight does not discriminate, second of all there is no real time in foresight so if you want to see a second you might see years. also foresight doesn't mean only seeing the good things, it could be foreboding as well. any ways the spells have to be very specific, or you might see your death then you might try to change it leading to a new fate where your death date is changed, which leaves many thing all screwed up.

this spell doesn't require much concentration but it does ask that you be from an old witch bloodline, which most people are, it just means that you had a practitioner (of magic) in some part of your ancestry.

the times i call from the magic before me let me see what the gods hide from me following the blood to the heart of the old and the rebirth into the new, i follow this path into the planes of existence where the chains of time do not dwell, where i can see all times before and after me.
stick in the pauses where you may, each person has a different magic and the pauses are important too. this won't work if you can't organize your thoughts, you will want to see the past or future w/o your own influences, so if you do not put aside your stereotypes or thoughts on how things were or will be, they will hold you to your own time.
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Re: foresight and consequ
Post # 2
sorry for the double post, but i just noticed that i forgot to write something, does anyone have any other foresight spells i really like to collect different spells with the same purpose.
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