Candle Magic Signs? Help!

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Candle Magic Signs? Help!
Post # 1
My flame on the candle is going MAD! It keeps dancing every where and then it will freeze for a second, and continue again. It's ongoing... what does this mean?
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Re: Candle Magic Signs? Help!
Post # 2
and what spell you're doing at this moment? You can be my breath knocked down the flames (a spell reading too close to the flame, waving her arms)?
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Re: Candle Magic Signs? Help!
Post # 3
it's a love spell and i had done it last night, but had to relight it because the candle has to burn out all the way, but last night the flame was calm
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Re: Candle Magic Signs? Help!
Post # 4
this is not a good sign, especially in the love of magic. Trembling of the flame means - your indecision, or you're shaky in his desire. (doubt it). in addition, it may mean - problems and conflicts.
but such "behavior" of the flame is not the worst thing that happened to you. bad is quite another .... ((((((
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Re: Candle Magic Signs? Help!
Post # 5
It usually is just the wind, but I always look for a message in the candle's behaviour. Use it kind of like a pendulum with different behaviours for yes and no and go from there.
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Re: Candle Magic Signs? Help!
By: / Novice
Post # 6
the wind could be doing it, yes, but if you're in a room with no wind/open window/fan then it's the spell. i posted a list of what each one means, and that's a bad sign.
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