protecting from karma

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protecting from karma
Post # 1
will a protection spell protect me from karma?
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Re: protecting from karma
Post # 2
Nope - You cannot affect Karma in any other way than you do normally by living your life how you choose to, trying to cheat karma may actually cause (more?) bad karma. Simply, you cannot control karma.
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Re: protecting from karma
Post # 3
P.S. - Nor protect yourself from it...
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Re: protecting from karma
Post # 4
thats bull...there are ways around karma...if anyones interested in knowing how....PM me
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Re: protecting from karma
Post # 5
there are ways, and if people cant figure it put, the rofl
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Re: protecting from karma
Post # 6
Mine sharing those ways to the forum fargoth or NiteShade?

- Since karma is and is the consequences of action.
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Re: protecting from karma
Post # 7
I'm not sure if there is a way around karma but..I looked over a spell once that had the protection in it of whatever you sent out would not come back to you.
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Re: protecting from karma
Post # 8
srry master, i sower my self to secerecy, and i never go back on my word
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Re: protecting from karma
Post # 9
...k', cause it would be a total breakthrough if someone can actually defeat the law of karma Since karma is and is the consequences of action - cuz' I thought every action under that law (we do) will have to follow that law as it would be action.... but i guess the law of karma is something so deflatable.
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Re: protecting from karma
Post # 10
actually there isn't a law, even scientifucul, that i cant find a loophole through
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