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Post # 1
Hey does anyone know how to fix things between friends, like is there a spell to make you friends again with some friend with you parted with? Cause I really want my friend back, and I messed up, and I'm really sorry but she doesn't believe me, and I just want her to be friends with her again. So Thanks for anyone who can help :D
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Re: Friends
Post # 2
there are spells to help mend shattered bonds and to open the way to rekindle old friendships, but in this case i think that the only thing needed is time. it sounds as if whatever happened was bad enough that her trust in you was lost, and only through time and forgiveness may she do so again.

please remember that spells are not a "fix all", and that they can be dangerous and have side effects unforeseen by the caster. i understand losing good friends but i also know of the consequences of trying to have things back that were meant to be lost. it is how we grow and learn as people.

bless it be.

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Re: Friends
Post # 3
Thanks, its alright I'm kinda just giving her space anyhow, its for the best. When I wrote that I was in a pretty bad mood, but thank you :)
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Re: Friends
Post # 4
You might try this, especially if your friend is not likely to talk to you at the moment. Just before you go to sleep, tell yourself (out loud) that you will awaken at the perfect time to speak to your friend and you will remember why you are awaken. Repeat this several times, alwas out loud. Then go to sleep. You will awaken at the perfect time to speak to your frien mentally. Then visualize you and your friend sitting at a favorite place and talking. Tell your friend whatever it is that you want to say. Do this for as long as you feel necessary. Then go back to sleep.

You may have to do it several times, depending on how forgiving you two are. But I have found this method very successful.

Good luck.
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Re: Friends
Post # 5
Thank you :)
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