tips on making talismans

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tips on making talismans
Post # 1
Easy ones please.:)
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Re: tips on making talismans
By: / Novice
Post # 2
charge it well, research your materials [not sure what you're planning on using] if you bought a charm you wanted to use, purify it first. take some water and leave it in the sun all day to charge [you can do the same thing with the moonlight, but it takes about a month imo some people say it should be half a moon cycle, i say full] then poor some sea salt into the water [table salt works too, but i prefer sea salt] and place the charm into the water, this'll purify it.

not sure what type of charm you're looking for, or it's made from, or anything like that so, uma no hone [Japanese idiom, means someone/thing with an unknown background]
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