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Post # 1
What are the best kind of candles to use? Like candles as in tealite,medium sized or the really long ones?
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Re: Candles
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
Personally, I see no reason why you can't use any size or shaped candle for any purpose. Though I understand that there are some situations that require extended burning of a candle; in which case you don't want to use a tealight candle. So in such cases I say use a larger sized candle. But other than that, I see no reason why you can't use a smaller candle over a larger or taller one. Even if the practice in mind requests for a tower and not a medium sized candle. So my point: in some cases size and shape matters; in others it doesn't.
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Re: Candles
Post # 3
I've even heard of spells using birthday candles.
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Re: Candles
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
Any candles will work. Depends on what you maybe using it for. Its the intent.
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Re: Candles
Post # 5
"I've even heard of spells using birthday candles."

A spell rarely calls for them specifically but birthday candles are a fabulous inclusion in a travel altar. They're very small, conveniently colored, and they burn pretty reliably.
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Re: Candles
Post # 6
To comment on the birthday candles: if you want to make your own candles, birthday candles are great but it takes a lot if them. Also they are easy to use for just about everything but a single candle light. Only problem is standing them up and such since they are so small.
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