What should i do???

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What should i do???
Post # 1
Hey, i'm so confused of who i am and i was wondering if there's a spell to help. I meditiate the best i can but it sometimes doesn't work since im always bothered by my dad. I also want to know what element i am. Its between water and air. Anyway, if you have information about that please e-mail me.

Thank you.
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Re: What should i do???
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Here's the most recent thread on elements:

It depends if you think you absolutely must concentrate on one (and the four Greek elements isn't the only elemental system out there,) and if astrology applies to spiritual resonance or not.

As for the identity crisis, there are otherkin (several on this site, you can ask them)
But I wouldn't recommend doing a spell when you're confused, just because I believe magic begins with mental discipline. If you can be at peace with the way you are, first...

Hope this helps!

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Re: What should i do???
Post # 3
Do not pay attentin to not knowing what you are as it will come to you when you are supposed to know, and theres always something we really want to know and are not supposed to know at the time and therefore end up waiting on. It's worth waiting and just accepting what you can do for now. I've heard of bad consequences in telling someone what they are when they are not ready, not for the reciever of information but the giver.
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