Dark energy...

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Dark energy...
Post # 1
Im proud to anounce that I am advancing at energy pulling so much, I remember the first time I tried to manipulate energy, and it took me AGES! But now it only takes me a while, it takes me sometimes a minute or two depending on my mood, sometimes even seconds!

I have felt water energy, fire energy, and some random energy that surrounds me that couldve been air , and today... I felt dark energy.

Well in my spare time, I was standing outside. It was about 5 - 6pm, I decided to try and visualise black light entering my palms... It took me a while but it actually worked... It was really weird though. I can only describe the feeling in such little detail. If anyone has ever ad a pins and needles sensation, it felt like that although the needles where freezing cold and it felt like ice cold needles pokeing your palms and around your hands. I also felt a very weird pressure that felt like my soul was attaching to this energy, I wouldnt say it was uncomfortable, I'd say the energy was satisfying.

Anyway, im loving myself at advancing so fast at energy draining at the moment, soon I will learn how to drain other peoples energy, and maybe even there soul! and no, I will most likely not use this skill to harm anyone for no reason. (Or maybe for fun hehe, Kidding)

So anyone of you ever felt dark energy entering a part of your body before?
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Re: Dark energy...
Post # 2
Thats good Barbarious.Keep on the good work.Your energy manipulation will be a master piece for you.:)
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Re: Dark energy...
Post # 3
i have many times i just accept whatever energy enters my body lol
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Re: Dark energy...
Post # 4
Thats entering your body, im talking about pulling energy...
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Re: Dark energy...
Post # 5
I don't use dark energy.
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Re: Dark energy...
Post # 6
Hi i'm pretty new.

how do you pull energy?
I would like to try it.
Please tell me.
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Re: Dark energy...
Post # 7
does it make u tired ??!! after doing it ??
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Re: Dark energy...
Post # 8
I never said it made me tired after doing it... Energy is like caffein to me, or a cup of coffee. I love doing it in the mornings because it makes me feel so alive. It improves my eye sight, and gives me the energy to concentrate while doing work.
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Re: Dark energy...
Post # 9
And can for example post a video of yo manipulating fire energy
If you can i would appriciate it
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