My rank, which used to be beginner, suddenly dissapeared. When I asked why, I was told told that I was deranked to either "none" or "fluffy" Since only knowledgeable or adept members see rank, I asked Akasha0wolf where I was standing. She said it was fluffy. Why in the world am I fluffy? I have contributed several top spells in many categories and I am not some vampire/werewolf fluff. I never type in text launguage and I don't use the chatter. Why was I given this rank?
Good question. Honestly, I have no idea how you get rank or lose it, other than actually being "fluffy". I would like to know as well what those guidelines are for changing it. I can think of a few prople that I feel should be a higher rank than they are.
People who're ranked knowledgeable or above can choose to rank a person up or down on the scale while viewing thier profile. At least, that's how it used to work.
As for why you're ranked fluffy, I have no idea. You might have just annoyed someone who was ranked knowledgeable or above, and then they voted you down. Note, though, that each person only gets one vote per direction on the scale for every person. As in, I couldn't vote more than once either way for the same person. Alternatively, if I vote someone down I can turn right back around and vote them up. I can do this any number of times.
However, it's been awhile since I was ranked high enough to vote on other people, so the system might have changed by now.
Re: Why am I a fluffy? By: Personified / Knowledgeable
Post # 5 Aug 25, 2012
Instead of being so concerned with the level you've been ranked, perhaps you should attempt to contribute more via chatter and forum posts, adding more informative posts to prove you are not the rank you are at- rather than simply say so.
I agree with personified.
It doesn't bother me that I was ranked as a beginner, im 64 years old and been in the craft by birth.
So why should it bother you?
I agree with personified, and I believe Boo. told you the same. It doesn't matter if you contributed top spells on the website, but it matters on how you can use the knowledge you have to help others.
I think that this is a good question for many reasons. One it gives a better understanding on the ranks and how to obtain them. It is also good to understand who controls them and so on. But other than that it is pointless to give such a rank to anyone. It doesn't matter if you are wise in the Craft or post spells onto the site/group, you may not have the correct rank to your person.
But if you think rank matters the most than learning than please up with the mods since it seems like they have control over such an task.
Good question. Perhaps you said something fluffy-ish. I agree with Personified though. Just post informative information in the forums and help in the chatter. Post about things that are original and something you're pasionate about.