*A lost Desire*

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*A lost Desire*
Post # 1
It was supposed to be fast
It was supposed to never last
Then all hell came loose
As he grabbed my hand and pulled me away
From the shadows where I was standing.

He told me to hurry, to come with him
But I refused, struggled
Didn't want to be different from all
The other girls.

He stared at me
His amber eyes glowing, gleaming
Muted by the soft street light
Then he asked me why.

I hesistated, my mind scrambling for
A good excuse, a reason
For why i was afraid to be different
And i just hung my head, not wanting to
Look in his eyes, not wanting to see his flawed spirit.

He lifted my head and smiled sadly at me
"It was supposed to be fast,
Never have a chance to last," he murmured
As his fingers touched my tears.

He didn't kiss me
His lips weren't on mine
He left, then, not looking back
At the girl who wouldn't be by his side.

He's been gone for more than a year
Yet I still remember the way he was so quiet
Thinking all the time
Those brooding eyes, the face so smooth
His hair, spiky, bristling underneath my touch.

I loved a vampire.
He loved me back.
But the time was just not right.
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Re: *A lost Desire*
Post # 2
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Re: *A lost Desire*
Post # 3
I love it that we have some poets here!

In love and light~
Rev. Trinity
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Re: *A lost Desire*
Post # 4
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Re: *A lost Desire*
Post # 5
good stuff it reminds me of some of the stuff i write to calm me down when my mood disorder acts up.
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Re: *A lost Desire*
Post # 6
Nice! Keep up the good work!
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Re: *A lost Desire*
Post # 7
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Re: *A lost Desire*
Post # 8
very poetic and moving
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Re: *A lost Desire*
Post # 9
Touching...so differnt and yet the sensation still makes me feel...
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Re: *A lost Desire*
Post # 10
thanks every body lol ^^
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