what is an altar and how do yno make one

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what is an altar and how do yno make one

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Post # 1
hi guys i wanted to know what an altar is and how can i make my own
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Re: what is an altar and how do yno make one
By: / Novice

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Post # 2
basically a table where you preform magic and rituals.

it can be always set up, or just something like a coffee table you use on sabbats and esbats. it typically has an alter cloth [like a table cloth] and the colour normally changes with the sabbat, but it can be any colour you want. if you practice healing, it can be green for example.

you should also have a lord and lady statue, or two candles representing them. normally the Goddess is white and the God is black or a deep purple/blue. you should also have a third candle between them, white silver or gold, representing spirit. from there decorate according to your tradition. you could have antlers, holy, fruit, seeds, acorns, leaves, jewels, coins, crystals, statues of mythical creatures, whatever.

some tools people have [but not necessary] include:

cauldron, athame, incense holder, chalace, dish for offerings or holy water, sage smudge, pentagram disk, bell, wand.
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Re: what is an altar and how do yno make one

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Post # 3
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Re: what is an altar and how do yno make one

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Post # 4
Is it possable to make an altar useing magic?
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Re: what is an altar and how do yno make one
By: / Novice

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Post # 5
sort of. if you mean wave your wand, say some words and POOF you have an alter, no. however, many people will bless or protect their alter, especially if it's a permanent alter. many people just use a coffee table or patio table, but if you're keeping it up 24/7 then it's a good idea to do something to bless it.
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Re: what is an altar and how do yno make one

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Post # 6
my altar is outside it is made of stone and is decorated with the fall leaves and statues of the Goddess out there
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