Hey. ive been reading stuff here and there, i just finished reading the everything book on wicca and witchcraft by sky alexander, and combined with everything else ive read has left me unable to tell up from down and left from right. please help. if anyone knows any good teachers or books ( that will make sense, i kno nothing!) please let me know. i am really looking forward to learning magick. ive been told that i might be good at healing magick by my best freind b4 she moved away. long story short i need help.
Re: Hey! Lost newbie here!!! By: Nekoshema / Novice
Post # 4 Oct 03, 2012
nice link.
it depends on what you're looking for really. are you starting Wicca, Shamanism, Hoodoo, or just generic Witchcraft? myself, Wicca for Life by Raymond Buckland and Wicca: a Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham are great books, and those two are the most common authors you'll hear about. it does really come down to what you want to study really. personally, i'd avoid books by Silver Ravenwolf and D.J. Conway, at least for the first year.
if you want to study healing, while you still need basics, it again comes down to what type, herbs, energy, crystals so on. Reiki's getting rather popular. look into energy work though before going out for healing. while meditating [rather important] try to feel the flow of energy in your body. try to feel energy enter and leave your body. energy is the key to magic.
Re: Hey! Lost newbie here!!! By: Nekoshema / Novice
Post # 6 Oct 04, 2012
what are you interested in? certain things like candle magic, would be easier and safer for someone starting out than high magic or summoning creatures. we can help point you in the right direction, but if we're not sure what you're into, someone could show you a path to become a shaman healer, when you're interested in voodoo.
Aryamarg , I would like to point out that the Skyle Alexander book on Wicca and witchcraft is rather flawed and I doubt it is wise to put it into practice . It serves as a basic overview of witchcraft and dosent go into specifics but even then , the overview of each topic is sometimes flawed ..avoid putting that book into practice and yeah..
I recommend looking around, seeing what kind of magic suits you. In my case, I study multiple forms of magic to enhance my knowledge and experience. Some good forms of Basic Magic/Energy Manipulation include (but are not limited to) : Ki, Luck Magic, Kenesis(of any kind suiting to you), and Charms in general. Meditation is also essential for beginners, or a method of becoming at peace with your surroundings. Ki can also be used in physical combat, but can be deadly to your opponent if not used correctly. I would steer away from curses until you are experienced, they can have deadly side-effects. Lastly, casting a protection barrier around you will shield you from side-effects and is a good thing to do before casting spells. Hope this helps, good luck!