If anyone can give advise

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If anyone can give advise
Post # 1
quick question, after i cast a love spell, can i cast another after for my faith, willpower, and optimism. all of these factors will help with my initial spell, but some people say casting more than one spell is a no-no. please help
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Re: If anyone can give advise
Post # 2
There are people who say it is a No-no... this is true..But only if you are doing Cerimonial Magick. And from the spells you are casting I can pretty much tell that you are using low magick so you can cast multiple spells in one circle. Just a word of advise...Don't cast a spell for healing and then a spell for harming all in the same circle...That gets confusing and you might hurt the one you want to help, and help the one you want to hurt..What an outcome eh? =)
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