Troubling vision.

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Troubling vision.
Post # 1
I recently had 2 visions. 1 was a gray ball with something around its surrounding.I remembered that it happened every time i closed my eyes.I encountered it 15 June 2008 (today).
The ball itself seemed to be rolling but it really didn`t move towards or at any direction.Just rolling in its position.I saw something within the ball,a great power in great that its power was more than just any strong casters or Gods and Goddesses themselves.
I don`t really wish to insult but its true what i felt from it.

The other vision was a young girl who was really...(every guy knows this word,WOOHOO!)She look kinda serious about something and definitely she wasn`t really happy :(.However,this vision of this gorgeous girl may not be that important.

Just to tell you all this.I can feel something really bad going to happen and some of you may heard screams of men,children,ladies and even some creatures.

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Re: Troubling vision.
Post # 2
Umm i dont understand how you saw "great power" inside of a grey ball. I didnt even know you could see power. Do you mean you felt great power within the ball
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Re: Troubling vision.
Post # 3
all day today i have felt something negative, not towards me, but in general, all around.

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Re: Troubling vision.
Post # 4
well Trav.Something was moving inside the ball and i had to focus on it to see it.I don`t know what element it is but its really powerful.
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Re: Troubling vision.
Post # 5
What if it is energy o_o from a person and not just ssometing evil ? Gray ball gray energy? O_o? U say its inpossable 2 b a spell caster but what if ur over thinking o_o that's its evil
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Re: Troubling vision.
Post # 6
Personally, I think something is going to happen, but it should only last for 40 days after June 16th.
Also, I'm not sure how your vision really applies to it...
Visions are very subjective so it could just be something that you wish would happen, or wish wouldn't happen...
Or, that girl has that sum of magickal power, or craves that ammount of power, or will develop it. As for the symolicism of the grey, that's most a color that has to do with psychic abilities.
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Re: Troubling vision.
Post # 7
ok so what could be happening?
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Re: Troubling vision.
Post # 8
Fine by me,Jahbulon.

Most of my visions don`t really come in a few weeks.It takes weeks to months.The visions i had encountered heavily didn`t happen from January to June.All of them were leading to June to December.

I forgot to mention that the Girl in my vision didn`t craved for power or even needed to develop.I felt that she was trained by someone who maybe a wicca.I don`t know if this happens but i`ve been suffering from a lot of pains around my body.

My other born told me that if you feel cold touching your blood,its a sign you may have to kill.Thanks for the post,Kyori.
I`ll see if this applies to it.

Blessed be.
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Re: Troubling vision.
Post # 9
To Mef: I forgot to mention that the grey ball of energy might be a power core. But, I've never heard or seen a grey power core... If it is it represents purity(White), and a protective shield from bad vibrations if you're overly sensitive(Black).
To Fargoth: I don't really know what exactly is happening, I have my theories which seem highly applicable to the story due to the days I got bad vibes and dizzyness on, and the days the moon was strange (not just in June) But, I may be incorrect, so I'd rather not share. I don't like to lead people astray, I'll know for sure though, soon enough. In any case, it shouldn't be too bad if it lasts for 40 days, if it lasts longer, beware.
And, if it lasts longer, well, that'll suck because I would have either been wrong, or the world will be very chaotic.
Hopefully my logic hasn't failed me either way though, and we all stay safe.
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Re: Troubling vision.
Post # 10
could you message me and tell me? any theorys i would like to hear
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