No Subject

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No Subject
Post # 1
So who has meet a dragon so far thait isn't me?
I'd like to know. thanks! And also tell me what kind of dragon you have met. Thanks! :)
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Re: No Subject
Post # 2
It seems to me that no one is interested in answering to anything like this.

Theres a few that have met dragons though not all are in the dragon coven. And it seems to be a relatively rare thing to have met a dragon when you have not done a ritual to do so on this site.
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Re: No Subject
Post # 3
It seems to me that no one is interested in answering to anything like this.

Theres a few that have met dragons though not all are in the dragon coven. And it seems to be a relatively rare thing to have met a dragon when you have not done a ritual to do so on this site.
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Re: No Subject
Post # 4
i have spoken with two dragons in the last 72 hours.

one was accidental, i read the spell to summon outloud and i was thinking how i needed to talk to a dragon, and my head went down and my eyes closed as soon as i said the last word and then, he was there.....he said he was drawn to me.

yesterday i called a water dragon to me while in the pool, i swam with it, well i swam, i was even able to see glimpses of his face while my eyes were closed.....he told me what i needed to do to call my companion dragon, i had known what i needed to do all along, but didnt know it, he made me realize that i am heavily affected by rituals, and that i needed to make one myself if i wanted to call my dragon.

the first dragon was a pisces dragon, the second water.

i would love to hear from other people

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Re: No Subject
Post # 5
this sounds really cool but i haven't met one myself.i am a beginner in it dangerous to try one.
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Re: No Subject
Post # 6
i have, just not talked to it
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