Loving Another

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Loving Another
Post # 1
I loved another so dear to my heart,
Always glancing when he came my way
The golden locks falling around his face
He was everything I could have wanted
Yet more was all I sought

She loved me with the graces of her stride
The way she moved as she kissed me goodbye
Her reflect the embrace she gave
Green emeralds that brighten rain
Her laughter was my joy as she now knows

But together we spend a glorious summer in the South
She warmed my heart with her kisses when we part
Our days seemed forever like a eternal spell
The day she left, my world crumbled
But she brighten me yet, with a kiss that last years since
And the meeting of the future, our happy song of tomorrow’s past

Yet here we are standing face to face
Years have past as our lives has changed
Our youth gone, wiped away by separation
But our embrace that held all of our thoughts
Brought us together to fill in the lonely hearts
Like nothing had happened, our years meant nothing

Just to see her face again was enough for me
A family, a dream I had built with her in my eyes
Her warmth that kept me going for all this time
Seemed like a memory rushing like the wind
How I wanted that love, her bond so close

Would she stay and be with me?
Would he forgive me if I were so bold?
His thoughts and look seems so young
Like the poem I read, so long ago
The boy I once knew was there beneath my lashes
But something has changed him to this man
Like the story he could never tell

What would happen
We do not know
But this is a blessing
From up above
I ask to send my lost love back to me
And here I kneel in front of her on bended knee
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Re: Loving Another
Post # 2
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