Why do people hurry?

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Why do people hurry?
Post # 1
Why do people go into spells and such and write posts "how to do a spell" I mean seriously a fireball won't appear out of nowhere and ask you what's your wish.
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Re: Why do people hurry?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
Because it is how the modern age is. Everything is faster, and naturally people expect things more fast paced. They want to get right into things, when people need to realize that things take time and effort.

Many people expect instant gratification for things, but that is an idea that needs to be put aside in magic, because expecting instant gratification will make you very unhappy.
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Re: Why do people hurry?
Post # 3

Also, a lot of people only have hollywood as their background on magic...

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Re: Why do people hurry?
By: / Novice
Post # 4

Hahaha, so true. But seriously, many people expect results within 24 hours or less. They do not understand that magic takes time, like a whole moon cycle or repeat casting. And they hurriedly say "It did not work" without reviewing the process and the materials, energy they used.

BTW, my favorite two witchy movies are The Craft and Practical Magic.
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Re: Why do people hurry?
Post # 5
yup I also seen many doing spells etc without basics and proper information
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Re: Why do people hurry?
Post # 6
it COULD if you were say tripping on mushrooms or LSD ROFLMAO!

But Yeah that's Hollywood lore for you at it's best. I've also observed people casting spells without the proper knowledge and know how of even the basics and expecting right now results, or big things to happen and being VERY confused as to why it didn't work. that and bare in mind on this site there are a lot of younger folks that want to believe in the Hollywood idea of magic. Even though its just not so.
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Re: Why do people hurry?
By: / Novice
Post # 7
people post questions like 'how to do spells' because many people are lazy, they don't want to research it themselves. they want the answers spoon fed to them instead of reading a 2 page article on spells.

at the same time, some people do believe you cast a spell and like in Harry Potter, things will appear. asking 'will a fireball appear' a simple no will answer the question, but like i said about, they could get the same answer if they read an article, or a book, or watched a how to video. sign of our times really, to be a witch, is not to cast spells, but to learn. so much of this path is studying alone, but so many people watch Charmed or something and think you can cast spells by standing over a cauldron and reading a few words. when it doesn't work, instead of researching why, they ask for the answer. they will still learn, but it's that old give a man to fish vs. teach a man to fish thing.
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Re: Why do people hurry?
By: / Novice
Post # 8
I hate Charmed. Men love it, though.
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