MPD linked with Magick.

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MPD linked with Magick.
Post # 1
I'm sorry this is so long, i have a lot of questions that i'd like answers to if anyone can help. But to start off, I guess i should explain a few things. Firstly being, that i have this friend, and they have multiple personality disorder(MPD). This friend however is able to do things that witches and warlocks can do. She is able to move things with her mind with ease, read minds from hundreds of miles away, see things through another's eyes and even control their actions. The first being inside of her mind says they created them self, and they can travel from mind to mind throughout the world. My friend can even pull pieces of your brain or soul off of you, and put them in another person. How is it possible to be able to do this? is it magick? or is it something else entirely? and why don't dr.'s ever say anything about these profound abilities in their analysis of someone with MPD? This is all very confusing, it's my guess that the things she can do are "magick" or a branch of it, but how is it possible that someone with no training in any other aspects are able to be this good at it, or why can't all with MPD do these things?
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Re: MPD linked with Magick.
By: / Novice
Post # 2
first none of this is possible second mpd is now dissociative identity disorder thirdly if your friend was in a doctors office doing this it would be on the news
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