what is this called

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what is this called
Post # 1
What is this called

Sometimes I am in my room on the comp while I'm sup 2 be cleaning lalala and then I suddenly get this INTENSE feeling that my mom is about to check on my room even tho on the other side of the house cleaning o.o then 2 mins later she walks in but this happens a lot over ANYTHING and ANYONE and even if I'm not doing anything wrong soo its not guilt >_>

Thx :)
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Re: what is this called
Post # 2
i know what i think it is but i might be wrong, claravoyance? (sp?)
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Re: what is this called
Post # 3
I think you have some energy bond to your mother and sensory skills of your house and the vibrations in it. You’ve gotten used to it, so I think you’ve developed something. I don’t know what it is, exactly, as I don’t know what words to put it in, but I experience this also, I don’t know what to call it, I just say energy bond.
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Re: what is this called
Post # 4
BINGO, that's what i was meaning: claravoyance!
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Re: what is this called
Post # 5
it's BINGO?
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Re: what is this called
Post # 6
...was his name-o?

lol. sounds to me like you're more in tune with your intuition than most people.
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Re: what is this called
Post # 7
What's intuition?
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Re: what is this called
By: / Novice
Post # 8
I'd call it precognition, actually... clairvoyance, the way I use the word, is any visually interpreted psychic information-- auras, ghosts, and visions of the future are included. But, since it's a feeling of the future, I'd call it precognition or claircognition/clairsentience.

But, yeah, it's just a lot of words-- can't capture what it is, so just easier to say it's all attuned intuition. (Google says, that intuition is knowledge without the use of rational processes.)
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Re: what is this called
Post # 9
u just have this bond thats connected wit ur mom and its smting that twins also have
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Re: what is this called
Post # 10
No white, she said it happens with anyone. It's not a special bond, althought there could be. It is clairvoyance/precognition. She is sensitive to her higher self and can recieve the data easily from the energy in her home. Also, not all twins have this "special bond" you speak of. Twins may look the same on the outside, but their personalities, brain function, and level of extrasensory preception are very different.
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