House Spells?

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House Spells?
Post # 1
Ok... For the last 13 years; Ever since I was a baby I have been living in the same house. My Dad is some knuckle head who keeps on waiting to get a new house! I know he has the money for it but my Dad is greedy...

This house that I live in right now for the last 13 yrs; The kitchen has cockroaches, Our backyard is a jungle, appearance on my house has paint coming off, our diner room has my dad's sh** all over the damn place, upstairs is a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE mess that you cant even walk in it! Dude I swear..... I REALLY NEED A SPELL TO GET A NEW HOUSE HERE AND NOW!
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Re: House Spells?
Post # 2
Cleaning time I presume
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Re: House Spells?
Post # 3
well dear u can hex our dad into buying a new house or u can have a nice talk wit him or something but there arre no spells to make another person to do something unless u hex them or make a dream hex to make him have nightmares about the house untill he wants to buy a new house and BAM u get a new house well another place to live instead of livinin a dump no offence

ps need more ideas instead of these then welcome to come to me any time ok bye
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