Psi ball outline?

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Psi ball outline?
Post # 1
When I was making a video showing how to make a psi ball, when I rubbed my hands and focused my energy to my palms, I saw a faded outline of energy. It was only visible on my camera. Not in my vision. Was it electricity or was it an outline of the energy
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Re: Psi ball outline?
Post # 2
Some cameras are sensitive to light in funny ways.. Considering "All Things Are Light" (Good book), and knowing how the sight of cameras can be altered by sunlight and many other factors..( my camera phone is very sensitive to light/energy/reflections, as you can see in my staff pictures). We can say they are pretty good at capturing things just outside our line of sight. I remember quite a while back, there was a setting on the old digital cameras that could bend refractions from spirit energy, they were not very popular and often debunked as dust particles or bugs, but some things are exactly as they seem..
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Re: Psi ball outline?
Post # 3
I must agree with joule128 that cameras can capture things outside of out visual perception. for example an ultra low lux camera (>=0.1u) is used in picking up infrared for night vision, and their are also cameras designed to be more sensitive to the opposite end of the visual spectrum, ultraviolet.

Also, the denser spiritual energy is the easier it is to perceive physically, so by creating a psi-ball (or dense ball of energy) you are in turn making it easier to be seen, by cameras, and even possibly the naked eye!! Keep up the practice! =D
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Re: Psi ball outline?
Post # 4
It's possible as cameras are commonly used to see ghosts as people can't see themselves so it would only make sense it can see that too
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