teacher needed

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teacher needed
Post # 1
I am in need of someone to teach me how to summon and dragon magick.
I also would want to know what is the easiest creature to summon even if you are a beginner like me.
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Re: teacher needed
Post # 2
its best to learn everything else before summoning, because if something goes wrong then you are in troble.

and dragon is NOT the easiest.
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Re: teacher needed
Post # 3
“Creature”….. ? *laughs* - better read around this forum before you do anything.

- MM
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Re: teacher needed
Post # 4
Read around the forum, read around the web. Don’t call entities creatures. It is really is a personal thing on which is the “easiest” entity you can conjure, how much time are you going to dedicate, how long, what do you want from them? If you don’t meditate, you should on a frequent bases, it will help greatly. How are you a beginner, in magick on the whole or to summoning entities? You should join the Dragon Coven; its public actually, just read it. Good luck!

- MM
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