Third Eye

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Third Eye
Post # 1
I have trying to unlock my third eye by focusing on my forehead but suddenly when I start to get a headache I cease and the headache won't stop. Is it a good sign that I am opening it?
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Re: Third Eye
Post # 2
It didn't happened to me, but when i concentrate i start feeling a strange sensation over my head and start feeling like i had something on my forehead.
I can't really cal it an headeach...
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Re: Third Eye
Post # 3
ANY pain while doing magic is typically bad. The sensation you described, you two people... Is it more of a 'pressure' on your Sixth Chakra [Third Eye] or a 'pushing' on it? Maybe it feels like a little marble is inside it, pushing against the skin and bone?
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Re: Third Eye
Post # 4
its like a pressure
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Re: Third Eye
Post # 5
it doesn't hurt, it's like you had something making contact, like you had a tennis ball on you forehead
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Re: Third Eye
Post # 6
Then I do believe you are doing it right, my friend.
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Re: Third Eye
Post # 7
My headache can be caused by the tremedous pressure I felt on my forehead, but when several hours later it was gone
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Re: Third Eye
Post # 8
what does opening the third eye do? what does the third eye let you do?
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