What happened to me??

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What happened to me??
Post # 1
One night, full moon i walked with my friends and i started to act differently...I crouched down like a wolf and i felt like running free in the woods. I also felt like tearing my friends apart and drinking their blood. It was so weird. I looked in the woods wanting to walk in there and just run. I could also see all sorts of demons and ghosts....What happened to me?? If you know,send a post here... please and thank you.
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Re: What happened to me??
Post # 2
A Typical were wolf
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Re: What happened to me??
Post # 3
Cool....But im not really a werewolf at least i don't think i am.... O.o
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Re: What happened to me??
Post # 4
lool full moon kicks ass for werewolfs and u could see them lucky person
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Re: What happened to me??
Post # 5
You might be able to have the mind set but might not be able to change, yet. Its possible.
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Re: What happened to me??
Post # 6
This sounds like you?:
"Phantom Shifting

Phantom Shifting is one of the most frustrating forms of shifting. Much like the Phantom Limbs Syndrome, this form of shifting tells the mind and body, that aspects of the were's animal type is there physically. Yet the physical body never changes in any way. Mentally, this form of shifting is very taxing and often upsetting. For the were strongly wants to have he form, that the body says that it does not have. Which is very upsetting to these types of weres. Who often refuse to discuss it, due to the fact that even other weres would regard them as insane, or idiotic. These weres also often possess psychic talents as well, which can compound the emotional hardship already present. Most Phantom Shifters are generally easy going, quiet, yet very cheerful. Yet they seem to always be nervous and shy as well, often seeking understanding and acceptance from others. They should be given the same respect as any were, for when provoked, they will readily defend themselves. They often are patient, yet they have firm beliefs as to how long they will be patient."

You dont sound like this, but maybe:
Mental Shifting

Mental shifters take on their animal type, mentally. They end up possessing the animal's mind, and they possess their animal's senses while still in the human form. Yet they retain their human mind and rationalizing abilities while in this state. Most mental shifters tend to be loners, or eccentric to most ordinary people and weres. Although they appear to be the most numerous in the were community. They are largely regarded as odd balls, weirdoes, etcetera. This is due to the fact that society is only able to diagnose this state, as some form of mental illness. such is a fallacy, that unfortunately is accepted by others, even within the were community. Mental shifters also have the ability to possess psychic powers as well, which they use in conjunction with their animal senses, to defend themselves. They can also attack others mentally, while in their were state. Unfortunately, many will under estimate a mental shifter, often resulting in tragedy. Author's Note: Mental shifters are not insane, as many in the psychiatric field will attempt to tell you. They are weres like any one else, and should be treated with the same respect and dignity.
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