Letting go of someone

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Letting go of someone
Post # 1
Hi, no matter what I do I can't get over my ex, I'm with someone else right now, but its like no matter what I do I can't get them out of my mind, so I was wondering if there is a spell to let someone go, because its effecting my relationship, and I know me and my ex are over. Thanks.
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Re: Letting go of someone
Post # 2
Just deepen the love between you and your current boyfriend. There are more love spells than there is to get over a relationship, I guess (?). I think it’s a natural thing, did you recently spilt with your ex-boyfriend? If so then this is simply natural. I say it all the time because it is true, time will heal situations like these. Get out more and appreciate your current relationship, deepen it with love spells and enchantments.

- MM
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Re: Letting go of someone
Post # 3
Thanks, Its just its been a few months and I'm still not over it, which is not a good thing :( I guess I could deepen my current relationship with love spells.
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Re: Letting go of someone
Post # 4
I mean I really can't get over this person, I was so in love with them, and I know it can never be again, but I really need to get over them, and its been a long time since we broke up, and its not a good thing.
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Re: Letting go of someone
Post # 5
There’s a lot of arousing things you can do, I’ll probably pinch myself for giving this advice, every tried lucid dreaming? Now, if it’s THAT extreme. You are not doing anything wrong though, this is natural. You should follow your heart…. It isn’t healthy to deny it. I don’t know what it is, seems you really like your ex.
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Re: Letting go of someone
Post # 6
Yes, I do, and its bad because its like coming to addiction, which is a bad thing and I need to stop it before it gets worse. I haven't tried lucid dreaming. I just was so in love with my ex, and I need to get them out of my thoughts.
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Re: Letting go of someone
Post # 7
I know the feeling,I've been in love with my ex for over 20 years and when we did finally get together he broke my heart because what is sad about it he is with my best friend. I still want him back. I need a really good spell that will show him how she really is and so that I can get him back. Please help..

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