demonic powers

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demonic powers
Post # 1
i have been wondering on how to get started in the worship of demonic forces and i am open to suggestions
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Re: demonic powers
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I recommend that do some research in the field. Being a Satanist isn't all about being evil or demonic. That's just how its portrayed in the media. We believe that Satan is the original god. I suggest going to this web site..

Hope it helps
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Re: demonic powers
Post # 3

It depends. Are you looking into demonic forces, into demons, into daemons, into deities that have been considered demonic, etc, and what religious background are you looking for?

Each religion has their own form of a bad guy, some treat the bad guy as something to reject, others treat the bad guy as if he's not a bad guy at all, but a guy who's just more loud than others. You can't treat all religions as the same, because they are not the same.

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Re: demonic powers
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
I've done research in satanism and one type I can upon actual has you did witch demon you feel you'd connect to the best, then you would draw their specific symbol on a piece of paper by candle light. Then you just mentally call upon them, and after repeating this multiple times they will become more and more active in conversations and in your life. I've read this in multiple places but I don't know exactly how accurate it is. But I would look up summoning demons and demon sport guides
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